Activists directed much of their rage at the Reagan administration; the president remained largely silent about the epidemic until 1987 when he declared AIDS “public health enemy number one.” The SILENCE=DEATH emblem, adopted that same year by the…
Most states still outlawed same-gender sex in the 1980s. Many Americans, deeply offended by homosexuality, objected to any acceptance of it. Some of them considered it a sin, and believed AIDS was a suitable punishment.
Donna Binder, photographer
Initially ignored by mainstream America, gay people in every major city created a parallel system of volunteer-run service organizations to supply care, information, and referrals to those with AIDS.
Activists directed much of their rage at the Reagan administration; the president remained largely silent about the epidemic until 1987 when he declared AIDS “public health enemy number one.” The SILENCE=DEATH emblem, adopted that same year by the…
Initially ignored by mainstream America, gay people in every major city created a parallel system of volunteer-run service organizations to supply care, information, and referrals to those with AIDS.
Activists directed much of their rage at the Reagan administration; the president remained largely silent about the epidemic until 1987 when he declared AIDS “public health enemy number one.” The SILENCE=DEATH emblem, adopted that same year by the…
The AIDS Memorial Quilt is an ever-growing symbol of the toll of AIDS. The Quilt consists of thousands of handmade fabric panels made by family or friends of the deceased which memorialize persons who have died of AIDS.
Displayed in Washington, DC…
As the epidemic wore on, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) press devoted significant space to AIDS prevention, health, and end of life issues. The subject of being HIV positive while not having full-blown AIDS also became a topic…
In the television film An Early Frost, Michael Pierson (Aidan Quinn) is a young gay man with AIDS. Forced to be open about his homosexuality and the disease, he must also face the inevitability of his death. At a time when AIDS was seen as a…
Many methods have been used to distribute information about HIV and AIDS.
In 1 World Manga, a comic book for young adults, a man meets a woman whose parents died of AIDS. He learns the reality of relationships in a world coping with AIDS. The book…